Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why Go Deeper?

My teacher said you can always go deeper into your character.   Once you think you know them step back and explore other parts of their character.  I have enjoyed doing that.  I once discovered my main character who I portrayed as an innocent woman whose husband ignored her.  One day, in my go deeper mode, I asked her, "so why did you marry him?"

Surprise!  She had to because she was pregnant.  That gave depth to a rather boring novel.  All of a sudden she didn't know if he ever loved her or just did the right thing by marrying her.  

I also like to go deeper with in my self.  I love to explore the parts of me that I think I know.  I am always surprised at what is hidden behind layers of denial.  It amazes me when I examine a trait I like about myself to find the blemish.  

My son read the last post about my father and challenged me to write about my mother's kitchen.  Interesting he didn't ask me to write about my mother ... a complicated relationship ... but about her kitchen.  In thinking back to the days I spent in that room - both good and not so good - what I discovered is I have painted (without knowing it) my kitchen cabinets the same color as my mom's.  All this time I reveled in how different we were.  In the end I acknowledge how alike we are.  Both of us women growing because of the challenges we faced.  

So go deeper friends.  Question everything, and when you think you have it, go deeper.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. You are doing very well at this blogging thing.
